Guacamole Live!

I love guacamole!

Anytime we go out for Mexican food, or when my girlfriends and I go out for margaritas, I always order Guacamole Live with our meal!

I have tried multiple times to make a good guacamole, and it’s always ok, just not quite what I want, and now I think I’ve figured it out!  I have always bought seasoning mixes and tried various recipes, and they always come out good, just not great.

I really think I was overcomplicating it!

This week on Taco Tuesday, I wanted some good guac, but didn’t have any seasoning packets or special mixes, but I DID have some fresh ingredients I thought I’d try.

I used my pastry cutter to mash the avocados.

Yummy avocados!

I diced up some jalapenos and serranos I grew in my garden, some leftover red onion I had for another recipe, squeezed in some fresh lime juice, and I diced some leftover cilantro from my salsa recipe.

Fresh ingredients are ready to go!

That’s it, ya’ll!  I was so easy and it’s my new favorite!  I guess I was overthinking and over complicating the whole thing!  (I tend to do that!)

Simple yet delicious!

Try it and let me know what you think!
