Farm Fresh Eggs

I love my chickens! I already have five human children, but my little hens are like my five feathered children!

Each of my chickens are different colors, sizes, and most definitely different personalities! I love interacting with them and watching how they interact with one another. Some are bossy, some are laid back, and one is a loner. She loves to be off to herself when the others all tend to stay together.

Aside from personality differences and appearance differences, my hens are also very different in their egg laying habits.

Lucy, our Rhode Island Red, is a “mother hen”. She lays an egg at the same time every single day like clockwork. She also lays on everyone else’s eggs! She was our first hen to lay and she seems to tend to everyone else’s eggs as well.

Our other hens don’t lay quite as often. We have 5 hens, but we average 3-4 eggs a day. That’s usually about 2 dozen a week! That’s a lot of eggs, even for a family of our size.

In order to keep up with the eggs, I date my cartons on the days that I begin filling them, and I fill them from left to right so we know which eggs to use first. I have made a little chart that I’ll include to help you know the shelf life of your fresh eggs!

Egg Storage Guidelines

Let me know what you think. Is the chart helpful? Is there other information you could use to help keep up with your fresh eggs? Comment below and let me know how I can help!
