Cinnamon Dough Ornaments

I LOVE this time of year! 

Thanksgiving has ended, so I still have fresh in my mind all of the things that I have been focusing on in the way of gratitude. I try every single day to focus on what I’m thankful for, but it seems around Thanksgiving that I go even deeper into that way of thinking. 

One thing I am always thankful for is my tribe! Our village! With five kids and busy schedules, I couldn’t make it without our people! 

I lost my mom when I was 31. She was the one who carried on most of our holiday traditions that were handed down from her grandmother, and now it’s my job in our family to carry those things on! I absolutely love that role, but over the last couple of years, I have been looking for ways to carry on the old traditions and still be able to create new ones as well. 

So, to celebrate our siblings and their families, we have started a new tradition that is interlaced with some of my momma’s touches along the way! 

Cousin Cookie Day! 

This is a day that my husband and I invite our brothers and their families over and we make Christmas cookies, decorate gingerbread houses, make Christmas themed crafts and ornaments, and enjoy each other’s company! (Ok, so maybe the kids do most of the above and the adults have some mimosas and observe, but you get the point!)

Since we all have different schedules on Thanksgiving and Christmas, this is a day where our kids can be with all of their first cousins and nobody has the hustle and bustle of going from house to house and we can all just be together! 

One of the traditions that my momma started and I have incorporated in our cookie day celebration is this Cinnamon Christmas Ornament recipe.  When my brother and I were little, she would mix these up and let us cut them out, and I still have a few that have lasted all these years! 

Rolled out and ready to go!

This recipe super easy to mix up and roll out, and then let the kids cut out the ornaments themselves! 

I start with about a cup and a half of cinnamon. Sometimes I’ll add some nutmeg and cloves, but the entire spice mixture is a cup and a half. 

I then add 1/4 cup of school glue. (I’ve used white or clear and they both come out the same.) And then add a cup of applesauce. 

Mix all of this together in a glass bowl and turn out on your counter or mat. 

I usually roll this out on a silicone mat dusted with extra cinnamon and set out our favorite cookie cutters and let the kids go to town!  

I keep some cinnamon on hand to dust the mat and rolling pin as we go to keep the dough from sticking. 

As they cut their shapes, I use a silicone spatula to transfer over to a sheet of wax paper. 

So cute! Waiting on twine!

Then poke a hole at the top with a straw so you can add twine or ribbon later on!

I write the kids names on the wax paper with a sharpie under each ornament so once they’re dry, I can make sure each of them gets their own creations to go on their trees at home! 

I turn these over with the spatula about every 12 hours and (depending on thickness) they take 3-5 days to fully dry. 

They smell soooo good and they look so cute on the tree! 


  • 1 1/2 cups ground cinnamon (plus extra to dust the mat and rolling pin)
  • 1/4 cup school glue
  • 1 cup applesauce 

Other supplies:

  • Wax paper 
  • Straw or utensil to poke hole in dough
  • Ribbon or twine

I have other ornaments and crafts that are part of our celebration that my momma started with my brother and me, and I’ll share those later on!  What are your favorite holiday crafts? Comment and share your ideas with me! 


What do you REALLY need in your diaper bag?

I have been asked by a few new moms what I carry in my diaper bag.  With five kids in tow, sometimes it’s hard to know what you really need in a diaper bag without carrying the contents of my whole house!

After almost 16 years of parenting, getting places without what we need, or carrying way too much stuff around that isn’t needed, I’ve finally perfected the contents of my diaper bag so I can seriously take ONE bag that suits the needs of me, my hubby and every single one of my kiddos!  The first several years of parenting, I might have had one or two (dozen) times that I got out running errands or going to appointments and didn’t have a spare outfit to change a kid after a blowout, or didn’t have enough diapers, or had a whining kid who just needed a snack to make it to the next stop.  (Sorry kids, you get your hangriness from your mother!)

I love this awesome backpack!
So much room!

The first part of being organized and able to suit the needs of so many kids of varying ages is the bag.  My kids are 15, 13, 6, 3, and 16 months and I also help with my nieces who range in age from 18 months to 5 years old.  So when we are out and about between stores, school pickups, dance, church or wherever, I like to know that in a pinch, we have what everyone needs!  I found this bag on Amazon and it is super cute, versatile, and holds soooo much stuff, yall!

I have experienced diaper blowouts, spilled food, “Aunt Flo” coming unexpectedly, breast milk leaks, scraped knees, bug bites, and so much more, so hopefully this list will help you to be prepared for what comes your way with your little ones!

Yep, ALL of this stuff fits!

I use zipper bags to hold contents for each kid.  This is multi purposed. This helps with organizing the bag so everything doesn’t wind up in a wadded ball in the bottom of the bag, but also, the bag serves as a way to contain the dirty item without soiling the rest of the bag.  Win, win!

Individual bags for kids

My littles each have a weather appropriate outfit or sleeper, an extra pair of socks, and potty trained kids have an extra pair of undies/panties.

I also keep a zipper bag with an adult tshirt, pair of socks, and a pair of panties.  This is pretty versatile because the shirt and socks will fit me, my husband, or my older two kids in a pinch, and the panties will help if me or my daughter are in need.

I carry a light baby blanket and burp cloth as well.  Both of these items have been used in many ways for our family!  The blanket has been used as an extra cover for the baby when needed, but it has also served as a clean place to change a diaper, a sunshade over a carseat, a clean barrier to sit on after a diaper blowout in a car seat, and even a towel when we have had a spill!  The burp cloth has not only been used for its original purpose, but has also been perfect for a runny nose, a small spill, or even for a baby to snuggle if we accidentally left a lovey at home.

My baby is 16 months old, so we no longer carry bottles, but there is still room if you do need bottles!

Snacks for all the hangry children (and maybe adults, too)!

In the various pockets, I keep a small bag with first aid supplies and toiletries, an extra pacifier, diaper rash cream, an empty grocery bag, an extra gallon sized zipper bag, a bottle of water, and snacks for the kids.  I will attach a detailed list below!

All there, with room to spare!

I hope this helps when you’re packing your diaper bag!  Are there any must-have items that you carry that I have forgotten?  Please share your ideas with me!

Diaper Bag List….(yes, this all fits with room to spare!):

  • Light blanket
  • Burp Cloth
  • Adult T-shirt
  • Adult socks and underwear/panties
  • Each child’s bag – seasonal outfit, socks, undies/panties
  • Baby wipes
  • 6 diapers 
  • 1 pull up
  • Clorox wipes
  • Hair ties
  • Feminine products
  • Pain reliever 
  • Allergy Medicine
  • Antacid
  • Dental floss
  • Cough medicine
  • Cough drops
  • Hydro cortisone cream
  • Antibacterial cream
  • Alcohol pads
  • Gauze/band-aids
  • Deodorant
  • Flash light
  • Ink Pens
  • Hand Sanitizer
  • Power Bank for phone
  • Grocery bag for soiled items
  • Napkins
  • Snacks for all ages