Make-Ahead Entertaining – Taco Bar

Who doesn’t love a good taco bar?! 

Ya’ll, my family’s love of tacos runs deep, so of course, a taco bar is my go to menu when we have people over for parties, football games, or any other family gathering! 

Getting set up for tacos!

I love doing tacos because of the variety that pleases many tastes, as well as the ease and ability to prep everything ahead of time which enables me to enjoy the function instead of spending the entire time in the kitchen.  Win win! 

Here is a list of what I include:

Taco meat 

Spanish Rice

Refried Beans

Black beans 

Cheese dip (type recipe) 

(I make these first five items ahead and leave in a crockpot on “Warm”)

I will turn my oven on very low and keep some crunchy taco shells there so they stay warm and fresh throughout the game! 

I will also keep flour and corn tortillas set up with a steam rack and a pan of water simmering so we can steam a fresh tortilla before making a plate. 

Getting ready to steam tortillas!

The day before I will grab serving bowls and fill with these toppings and cover so all I have to do is set them out right when it’s time to eat!


Homemade Guacamole Live!

Sour cream

Shredded cheese


Diced onion

Sliced black olives 

Roasted red peppers

Taco sauce 

Fresh peppers from the garden

Lime wedges 

My Momma’s homemade salsa

Salsa in the making…

This is always such a hit with our family because it caters to such a wide variety of tastes. People can add as much or as little of the various toppings they like, and the leftovers are just as delicious the next day and it saves this busy momma from cooking! 

Sometimes, if we are having a big crowd, or if I want to have more variety, I will thaw one of my make ahead Beef Enchilada Casseroles and serve as well!

Easy Beef Enchilada Casserole

What are your favorite taco bar items? I am always adding or taking away toppings based on our tastes at the time, so comment or message me and share your ideas!
