Southern Pepper Sauce

With an abundance of peppers from our garden and our neighbor, I decided to make a jar of pepper sauce!

With all the fall dishes coming onto our menu, I NEED some pepper sauce in my life! This is nothing fancy, y’all. Just delicious! 

I use this on pinto beans, chili, greens, mix with ketchup to dip fries…so many uses!  It is a VERY simple process, but really does take so many dishes to the next level! 

I rinsed my peppers, capped them, poked a few holes so the vinegar could penetrate and poked them into this jar. 

So pretty!

I used every variety I had! Isn’t it pretty?! In this jar are jalepenos, poblanos, serranos and even a few banana peppers!

Fill with vinegar


Voila! Done! Well, not quiet. The work is done, but this concoction needs to sit for about a week to really incorporate the flavors and it’s ready to go. 

I just made one jar this go round, so there was no need to actually can it, but when I make more jars, I will use my pressure canner to seal my jars for indefinite storage!

Some folks add garlic or even peppercorns to their sauce but I prefer just peppers. What do you like in your pepper sauce? Comment below to let me know!
